Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Rootbeer Revelation

Ok, Where have we been? Troy and I have never heard of putting cream on your snow cone... It is delicious! It's the perfect root beer float... icy, smooth, creamy and cold. These suckers are so addicting! The stands are all over the place, just look for one that has rootbeer flavor and the option of cream. If you really want to go all out you can have a scoop of ice cream at the bottom as well...Yummo!


FamilyKolbaba said...

Hi again :) It was nice talking to you. Is the place where you get that treat called Bahama Bucks? Cause there is a place right by the temple in Mesa that sells those, and they are WONDERFUL.

Anonymous said...

Hey hot mama. I'll have to tell Peter about this. He's a root beer float freak. He'll love this.

Racquel said...

Wow! That looks incredibly yummy. Where do you get one of those?

Jamie said...

Katie... where have you been all my life??? It is SO good to see you! Can't wait to talk more!!

Wilde Lady said...

WOW! That looks soooo good! Nothing like cooling down on a hot summer day with one of those. I'm going to have to try that.

The Kemps said...

Parker and I LOVE these! Sometimes we make them at home. Try different flavors too, they're amazing!